Alex just bridged to Webelos in Cub Scouts last week. It was very cool. His den had kinda dissolved last year, leaving him the lone Bear Cub. He was undaunted, and wanted to press on. The Webelos – the boys a year ahead of him, and the older Boy Scout troop took him in. They were awesome, understanding, and great role models for him. He was given a place to be.
The Boy Scouts make an actual rope bridge for the boys to cross – a triangle bridge, that’s essentially a tightrope with handrails. They light a bonfire, and have tiki torches, so from a distance, it looks like trial by fire!
After the boys bridge, they let the brave siblings take a walk, too.
Cub Scouts has been awesome to Alex, and us.
Pack 190 in Sherman Oaks was very open and generous – we had tried two different Cub Scout packs previously that weren’t a good fit for him, and we had nearly given up when we found them.
I’m glad now that we didn’t – he was so proud to have made his rank and walk the tightrope while the other boys cheered. They’ve taught him quite a bit – and when he does something a little strange, or inappropriate, they take it in stride and redirect him. He has a habit of hugging and kissing people – and we have programs to work on him not doing it to every random person he meets. He’s learned broom hockey, chess, how to tie knots, shoot a BB gun and safety, archery, responsibility, citizenship, trying to work in a team, and respect for others and self. The boys are all from different schools, income, race, religion and family structure. And it doesn’t matter to any of them.
I read your post and wsihed I’d written it